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pioneer ministries

Wolverhampton Pioneer Ministries (WPM) more commonly known as Vitalise is a fresh expression of church for the under 30s in Wolverhampton city centre.

The vision we adopted at WPM serves as a holistic description of who we are and what we want to be, namely to worship fully, love all and serve the city. The events page will provide you with news and information about current events. We endeavour to serve the city of Wolverhampton.

We meet regularly each Sunday evening at a gathering called Vitalise which meets at 6pm until 7.45pm at St. Peter's Church, Lich Gates, Wolverhampton WV1 1TY.

We meet each week day for Morning Prayer and everyone is welcome to join us. There are a number of different Small Groups that meet during the week.

We are a joint Anglican and Methodist funded project. To find out more about where we have come from do read Our History.

If you would like to know more Contact Us – we would be really delighted to hear from you. You can also follow us on twitter @wolvespm or like our Facebook page, Wolverhampton Pioneer Ministries.

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