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EVANGELISM (sharing good news)

Below are stories, ideas and resources on different ways to share the Christian faith. If you have any ideas you have found helpful and would like to share with others - let us know so we can add to the list. 

Painted Stones

At a recent Synod Deacon Sue shared her story. She has been painting and decorating stones for some time and leaving them in random places for people to find. The stones are painted with poster paint and a Bible reference is included on the back. Sue hopes that people will find them and take them home. It was so successful that the local newspaper ran an article - wondering who the mystery person was who kept leaving the stones. All has now been revealed! Bible verses or references can easily be added. Why not give it a go? Better still get together with a group of friends then leave them randomly for people to find!

Caring Cross

One way to share faith is to give away a small cross. Many people have appreciated receiving one and it is a simple way of explaining what Jesus means to you. The cross can be shared with a word of testimony or with a promise to pray for the person. Rev Steve Wilde (President of the Methodist Conference 2016/2017) gives out hundreds of these wherever he travels and it has been a real encouragement to many. These are readily available on Ebay or for bulk buying you can order these from America (I have ordered 2 lots - both arrived safely!).

Table Talk

Table Talk can be used as a board game or downloaded as a free app on apple or android. It is a great way to invite others to a meal and encourage ways of talking about the things that are important to us by asking and answering questions from cards or from the app. Sporting events - beliefs - festivals - social issues - new themes are being added regularly. Many are aimed at specific age groups.

User friendly - non threatening and great fun!

Alpha Course

The Alpha Course offers an introduction to some of the big questions about the Christian faith: 'Who is Jesus?' 'Why did Jesus die?' 'How can I be sure of my faith?' Many people have come to faith through Alpha and many Christians have found friendship and encouragement. Perhaps there is an Alpha course in the area where you live or if not you could try and arrange one in your own church. Why not speak to someone about it. Each Alpha session begins by sharing in a meal followed by teaching and discussion. A great way to invite friends and share the good news!

Share a Meal

When did you last invite someone to share a meal at your home? Inviting friends, neighbours or colleagues to a meal can be a simple way to develop friendship and show hospitality. That's good news already! You never know where the conversation will lead. We don't want to bible bash - but we can also be ready to share something of our faith and beliefs should the question be asked. Jesus often ate with others. The disciples 'ate together with glad and sincere hearts.' You don't need to be a Masterchef champion - a bowl of spag bol. will do. Go on - take a risk... who could you invite?

Gideons International

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…" Matthew 28:19

The Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional people dedicated to telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While often recognized for their work with hotels, they also place and distribute Scriptures in strategic locations so they are available to those who want them, as well as to those who may not know they need them. If you want to know more please have a word with Garth who attends Codsall Methodist - Garth is one of their representatives. (Tel. 01902 846844 - Email -

Additional Resources

The Methodist Church website has several pages of ideas and resources on evangelism that may be of help. Discussions guides - ideas - questions - images - perhaps you could set up a short term group to take a look at some of the ideas and see which ones might be implemented in your church. Remember - evangelism need not be as scary as we think it is - perhaps we just need some creative ways to get us going... well here you will find some to get you started!

Christian Enquiry Agency

The CEA (Christian Enquiry Agency) is there to help and support people of faith and people of no faith. If you have any questions about Christianity - if you need any resources - if you need to put someone in touch with a local church - they may be able to help. We have two people in the circuit who are directly involved in CEA (Barbara from St. John's and Jo Cox Darling minister of Brewood, Codsall and Coven) If you want to know more why not have a word with them. 


Take a look at this video. It shows that evangelism does not have to be scary. All Christians have something to say. Just say it as it is! You don't need a qualification. You don't need to know all the answers. Just be yourself. There's even a discussion guide to help you. You can find it HERE.

Share Your Story

If you are a Christian - you have a story to tell! How did you come to faith? What led you to Jesus? What makes you keep on coming back to church? Your own story is one of the greatest things that God can use. If you don't think it's exciting enough - or dramatic enough - remember this - it worked for you! Do not be afraid to share what God has done for you and what faith means to you. It is a dangerous thing to pray and ask God to give you an opportunity to tell your story - you may find God answers your prayer! If you've never done it - why not write down your story on a side of A4 - share it with someone - and let them be the judge of how valuable it is. 

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