MHA (Methodist Homes)
MHA is a charity providing care, accommodation and support services for more than 17,000 older people throughout Britain. MHA has 7,000 staff and 5,500 volunteers. Their aim: to provide more quality housing, care and support services to meet the needs of more older people across the country. MHA’s mission is to improve the quality of life of older people, inspired by Christian concern. Founded by members of the Methodist Church in 1943, today MHA supports:-
5,000 older people living in care homes, many receiving specialist dementia or nursing care
2,000 older people living independently in purpose-built apartments, with access to social and leisure facilities and flexible care should they need it
10,000 older people living independently in their own homes with the support of the Live at Home scheme.
Most older people will remain part of their own community living in their own homes, so the role of churches in offering support is vital. Methodist Homes aim to foster care, compassion and respect for individual spiritual needs and welcomes people from all religious traditions, as well as those without any religious affiliation.
Every MHA care service is supported by a dedicated Chaplain, who may come from a range of denominations. Some are ordained ministers and others are lay people. They provide a listening presence and one-to-one pastoral support for all residents and staff members, whatever their backgrounds or need, and organise worship for those who wish to participate. Where appropriate, residents are encouraged to maintain links with local faith communities.
For many residents in our care homes, MHA will provide them with their last home. Our Chaplains have a particular role in helping residents, and their relatives, approach their final years, hopefully with a sense of acceptance, peace and fulfilment.
MHA in the Wolverhampton Area
There are three separate MHA units in our area:
Engelberg Residential Care Home in Compton, Wolverhampton which has 34 residents
Waterside House, a specialist dementia unit in Wednesfield, and
Bridge Court, also in Wednesfield, which comprises 40 retirement living with care apartments.
Local Chaplains
Martin Rider is the Chaplain in Wednesfield and is one of the longest serving chaplains in MHA. He is also a Methodist Local Preacher and well known to many on the Circuit.
Ruth Brooker is the Chaplain at Engelberg and is an ordained minister in the Church of England.
Ministers and local preachers from the Wolverhampton Circuit often support the local chaplains by leading regular services in these local care homes. If you would like to find out more about how you can get involved please contact Ruth on or Martin on...
Use the links below for more information about MHA and local schemes
A Prayer from 'The Best Sunday for Ages'
O God who journeyed with Abraham, laughed with Sara, waited with Simeon, danced with Anna, we thank you for those whose lives are lived in your presence and for those who come to you later. We ask your blessing on those who work with older people in church and in the community, to maintain faith and bring fresh insights. We pray for active older people that, through Spirit filled grace, they may continue to hear your call. We pray for those whose lives move towards its conclusion that they may know your peace and behold your glory, in Jesus’ name.
The Rev Dr Adrian Burdon, Superintendent Minister, The South Fylde Circuit of the Methodist Church