Allan's story...
“What does the Lord require? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.” Adapted from Micah 6: 8.
I remember reading that as part of faith and worship in the mid-90s and connecting with it. Connecting in a way that said it is not my will to be an aspiring local preacher it is God’s will for my life. Humility is a very underrated virtue in our contemporary world of celebrity culture but it is needed more than ever as, a preacher, I try to connect God’s Word with God’s People.
I am Allan Christie and I am accredited local preacher within this circuit, and a member of St. Andrew’s Church, Sedgley. I started my local preacher training during my A-levels, under the direction of the late Trevor Genge, based in the then Bilston Circuit. I went off to University in Cardiff, 1994 – 1998, and I resumed my training there, and after an intense year of cramming at least Section C and D, if not B as well, I completed it in 1999. I was then fully accredited by the start of 2000 as I headed off for a year as a volunteer in Malawi. Upon my return to the UK I was based back in the midlands and have been a preacher here ever since.
Faith and Worship has given me a firm foundation in exegesis and I ensure that I unpick the text that I choose but I try to draw on my teaching experience to find other hooks to connect God’s Word with God’s People. I have learnt how to solve the 3x3x3 Rubik’s Cube and that is the basis of my address “looking for the cross”. I am mastering spinning plates and I am challenging churches to consider, “what are you being called to stop spinning, keep spinning and start spinning?”
It is a huge privilege to lead worship and preach in some amazing churches and I actively ask God for it to be of worth. So, as I think again on my text “What does the Lord require? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.”
I pray that God will continue to use me to bring worship that is of worth as we collectively seek to act, to love and to walk together. To God be the glory. Your brother and friend in Christ.
Allan Christie