Alan's story...
As I look back over my early years I could see God had a plan for my life. I attended Sunday School and became a Sunday School teacher. I led a Junior Club and a Christian Endeavour meeting for children.
I was influenced by my parents, my mother played the organ for many years, and also good Christian friends. I remember attending a Billy Graham rally and felt God calling me to commit my life to him.
In my early twenties I was asked by a friend who was a Local Preacher if I had ever considered becoming a Local Preacher myself. After such prayer and thought I decided maybe God wanted me to do this work for him.
I went on note and then on trial and in 1972 became a fully accredited Local Preacher. Now, over forty years later, many churches and many sermons under my belt and with the experience gained, I continue to serve him today.
My preaching has had many highs and lows but one thing is certain - I have never regretted my decision to do God's work which I know he wanted me to do. He has given me the strength and ability to undertake his work and I will continue to do it. I enjoy meeting people and maybe I will be planned at your church one Sunday and meet you!
Alan Walker