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The Circuit Meeting

The Circuit Meeting meets 3 times a year. As well as the circuit staff and officers, it includes representatives from all of the churches across the circuit. 


According to CPD (Constitutional Practices and Disciplines of the Methodist Church):


"The circuit meeting is the principal meeting responsible for the affiars of the Circuit and the development of circuit policy. It shall exercise that combination of spiritual leadership and administrative efficiency which will enable the circuit to fulfil its purposes ... and shall act as the focal point of the working fellowship of the churches in the Circuit, overseeing their pastoral, training and evangelistic work."

The Circuit Meeting provides a link between the local and wider church. In addition to its administrative roles, such as setting policy, making appointments and managing finances, it provides a place of fellowship and communication across the circuit. It is a place where we seek to pool and allocate resources effectively to enable God's Mission.


It is also through the circuit meeting that 'Memorials' may be brought to the attention of the District and Connexion. (A Memorial may be a concern about church or society that invites the connexion to act on a particular matter).

Should you wish to find out more, or attend a circuit meeting please speak to the minister of one of the circuit churches.

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